Hoping this post finds you well, and that you are looking forward to a new year.
For many of us in the modern working world, who are blessed with:
- Love of our family and friends
- Good health
- Freedom of expression and religion
- Lack of want or fear
- Steady employment
- Health insurance
- [insert the thing you’re thankful for here]
... the winter holidays bring some time off, and a chance to reflect on the past and consider the future. And so I ask you to reflect on the most important presentation that you made in 2009, and consider what you might change if you had a similar opportunity in 2010. What thing or things would you love to change, if you could? Would you:
- Research more?
- Prepare and practice more?
- Use less slides? Or more slides?
- Use more pictures and less words?
- Use real objects instead of pictures?
- Take the whole thing more and less seriously?
- Turn off the projector?
- Ask for help?
Whatever it may be, I hope 2010 brings better things for you and your loved ones.
Lovely post, happy new year to you too and to those who care about good communciation. Happy 2010!